Sunday, February 5, 2012

Einstein the Dog

One of Ryker's favorite games is to play with the stuffed animal dog, Einstein, that Mimi and Grandpa bought to have around because it looks like Uncle and Auntie's dogs. Grandpa and Ryker play with him everyday and he has a leash so he may walk around and chase Ryker. Ryker likes to tug on his ear, biter his nose, and chase Einstein. It is so cute to watch him learn about dogs and hopefully one day he'll interact with one since his Dad and I cannot have one ourselves.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Toy Box

Once we moved and saw how many toys this little man had and found ourselves tripping over them every day, we decided on a toy box. This one is rated for 2 years + but we thought he could grow into it and we would lift the cover for him. Well that didn't last long. Ryker took about one week of not having access to his toys at his leisure to learn how to open the lid. Smart cookie! 2 weeks later, he is a pro opening it with ease. what a character this little guy is.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blowing kisses

What a beautiful morning waking up to my son blowing kisses at us. He only started blowing kisses two days ago and loves to do it all the time. He also started making mouth noises while hitting his mouth thanks to Grandpa. He is growing so fast. Yesterday he walked the entire length of the mall. He is only 11 months old in 3 days!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Atlas baby...

It is amazing how simple things make great toys. Here's Ryker being Atlas and holding up the box as if he was holding onto something so precious. Too cute!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking up!

Ryker loves lights! Maybe he gets it from his Daddy, but that boy is addicted. Walmart is awesome for him because he can gaze up and watch the lights go on and off with the sensors from the ambient light. Besides his fetish, he is greeted by many people because of his Einstein hair and handsomeness. He is gorgeous - blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that lights up anyone's day- but I'm partial.

Shopping with him is fun. Never thought it would be since kids usually throw fits or cry a lot or touch things. On rare occasions he'll cry, but mostly due to being hungry. I got ahead of the game by going when it is convenient for him not me! No selfish Mama here! When I had him I new my time was limited to his nap times. I wish more people realized this fact.

Now housework before he wakes up.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sick baby :(

There is only one nice thing about a sick baby - cuddle time. He hasn't wanted to go to anyone but me since Tuesday. He even pulls away from Daddy just to be with Mama. It feels wonderful to be loved and needed because he is getting so independent. Yet, I'm still sad that my little guy has caught his first cold. Thankfully it is not that bad, but combined with his two top front teeth emerging and pushing into position, he's felt miserable. Although, I would expect this little guy to be more irritable - maybe because I would be - but he's been remarkable.

Right now he is sleeping on the couch next to me. I tried putting him down in his crib but the moment he touched the mattress he sensed that I was too far away. Separation anxiety is setting in and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to deal with forcing him to learn that he can't be by my side 24/7. He's 10 months old now and bad habits will begin if we don't adjust soon. Once this cold passes, I think it will be time to begin a route that encourages Ryke to be independent at night as well. Right now his independence circles around eating, drinking, and playing with his toys. He wants to do it himself, so we let him and play along. It is far better to watch his imagination at work than to have to jump start it every few minutes.

Sick baby, sick Mama, sick Daddy, but we love each other so much we'll muddle through it.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

My recent Facebook post read: "okay who stole my 2011?". It seems like someone just stole it out from under me while I was pregnant, giving birth, or caring for my little boy this year. 2011 wasn't a great year beyond the fact that Ryker came into our lives. We've both lost our jobs, ended up with horrible health insurance (at least we had something), been on a roller coaster with work, and finally we end up having to move in with my parents. Ryker is the shining light of this year by leaps and bounds. He always would be, but there is nothing to contend with anyways! So I'm saying "come on 2012!". We need our luck to change and be that prosperous year that everyone wishes onto one another.

So read this and remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence, corporate is not always the enemy, and that no matter how bad you have it - someone else has it harder. We are thankful for each other and the love we have. The family we have, education, and persistence that will make things right again with our small world. Pray for those in need this new year. May you have a prosperous year!