Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking up!

Ryker loves lights! Maybe he gets it from his Daddy, but that boy is addicted. Walmart is awesome for him because he can gaze up and watch the lights go on and off with the sensors from the ambient light. Besides his fetish, he is greeted by many people because of his Einstein hair and handsomeness. He is gorgeous - blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that lights up anyone's day- but I'm partial.

Shopping with him is fun. Never thought it would be since kids usually throw fits or cry a lot or touch things. On rare occasions he'll cry, but mostly due to being hungry. I got ahead of the game by going when it is convenient for him not me! No selfish Mama here! When I had him I new my time was limited to his nap times. I wish more people realized this fact.

Now housework before he wakes up.

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