Sunday, February 5, 2012

Einstein the Dog

One of Ryker's favorite games is to play with the stuffed animal dog, Einstein, that Mimi and Grandpa bought to have around because it looks like Uncle and Auntie's dogs. Grandpa and Ryker play with him everyday and he has a leash so he may walk around and chase Ryker. Ryker likes to tug on his ear, biter his nose, and chase Einstein. It is so cute to watch him learn about dogs and hopefully one day he'll interact with one since his Dad and I cannot have one ourselves.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Toy Box

Once we moved and saw how many toys this little man had and found ourselves tripping over them every day, we decided on a toy box. This one is rated for 2 years + but we thought he could grow into it and we would lift the cover for him. Well that didn't last long. Ryker took about one week of not having access to his toys at his leisure to learn how to open the lid. Smart cookie! 2 weeks later, he is a pro opening it with ease. what a character this little guy is.