Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I just can't believe how much my little guy is growing. His auntie gave him a push walker and he's been going around the house since.

Ryker has also been very interested in the tv, especially Mickey Mouse and the Little Einsteins. He pulls himself up and stands at the tv for a long time. There is always the look back to Mama to see if he is doing it correctly or if I'm still here.

Oh how he grows.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Steps

I could not believe my eyes on Tuesday, November 1st when Ryker took three steps unassisted from me to his activity table! At 8 months he is exploring more each day. Since then he hasn't taken steps alone again, but has timidly shown his interest.

On the same day he climbed two steps on the stairs to the second floor. Grandpa had taught him the day before how to climb up onto things like a couch and futon at their house. He applied this new ability to the stairs.

What a day it was and I was quite shocked at how fast he learning.