Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat?

Just got home from a day spent shopping and trick or treating with the little guy and Daddy.

He did amazingly well around the neighborhood. We did about 10 houses and then it was time to eat. It also starting getting cold out. Ryker looked so amazed getting candy from strangers.

Side note: We teach our kids not to take candy from strangers, but they can on Halloween and go up to their doors!

Daddy and I checked over the candy and decided there wasn't anything an 8 month old could eat so we helped out.

Overall, a good experience for the little guy! I think he liked dressing up. This year Yoda. Next year- who knows!


Snow. Yuck! To early.

Ryker's First Snow Experience

Yesterday Ryker experienced snow for the first time. He was born in March but most snow had melted and there was no way a 5 lb newborn was going to interact with snow.

He saw it first thing out the window and looked at us strangely. We opened the back door and scooped up some to make a snowball for him. He was still too sleepy to fully play with the snow. He did eat some of it though as I rubbed it onto his lips.

Later that morning we all dressed up warmly and went our into the 2 inches of freshly fallen snow. Daddy held him and picked up snow. Ryker put his hand right into the snow and realized how cold it was. He never did like having really cold hands or items on him so the snow was not welcomed. As seconds passed and Daddy confirmed it was "okay", Ryker decided snow was okay.

We took some pictures, made a small snowman, and went back inside after 5 minutes. It was only 29 degrees out and too cold for 8 month old Ryker.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Funerals are not fun but are important. Yesterday we laid my Uncle Mike in his final resting place with his cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee. It is a shame that in today's busy world that it takes such events to bring families together.

Rest in Peace Mike. Thank you for the memories and I'm glad you got to meet Ryker. I promise to watch over Samantha.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Life

Thank you for visiting my first attempt at a blog!  I'm Amber and here's a little bit about me.

I was born and raised in NH attended college in Vermont and New Hampshire.  I finally completed my degree online after years away from college.  Lots happened from the college years til now, but that is all the past.  The present and future are more important.

In 2005, I met my to be husband, Bob.  In 2006, we united in holy matrimony.  After 4 years, we were blessed with a beautiful little boy who we named Ryker.  Ryker is Dutch for Richard, which was his Grandfather's name. He also carries my father's name as his middle name.

That's the basics.  I'll post more later and work on a direction for this blog.